Night view from the pier

Black Skimmer

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Brown Pelican
We have spent the last 4 days going through the house, getting rid of stuff, and packing the RV. Today we left the house at 11:00 am. We got to Goose Island SP at 2:30.
Mark started to get the Internet stuff set up and realized he left the USB receiver at the house. We leave early in the morning to go back home to get it.
Later that evening we walked down to the pier. There were a couple of dolphins that were about 50 feet out!
On Tuesday we headed back to Elgin to pick up the USB and a few other things we thought of. We spent about 30 minutes in the house and headed back.
While at Goose Island SP we went to a shorebird program and a songbird program given by Dennis Haessly. We really enjoyed his presentation. The morning after each program Dennis led a bird walk. One evening he had a presentation on short-eared owls. We also went on a wildflower walk and learned a lot about the different wildflowers in the area.