Ranger Jerry was very interesting. He told us he was from the area as were his ancestors all the way back to his great, great, great grandfather. His GGG Grandfather was a slave as were several of his GGG uncles. The government took his Grandfather’s land (for a fair price) to be part of the National Park, along with 600 other families. His grandfather got about $23 per acre for the land in the 1930’s.

Ranger Jerry
After the hike with Ranger Jerry, we went around on the hiking trail again by ourselves.

Hiking the Cedar Sink Trail

Spicebush Swallowtail

Pearl Crescent

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Kentucky Warbler
Ranger Jerry told us about a diner in the little town of Pig (just down the road) so we went there for lunch. It was good.

Porkey Pig Diner
Pig, Kentucky
After lunch we drove back to the park. We wanted to see where the Green River Ferry crossed. We thought it was still closed due to high water but they had it up and running.

Green River Ferry