Once we got the trailer set up we headed over to Bosque for a quick look-around.
At the Visitor Center we found a group of Gambel's Quail. This male was perched on a "One Way" sign and seemed to be the lookout for the group.
We decided to drive the auto tour loop to see what kind of shape the refuge was in. We came to a small pond with a boardwalk, and we decided to take the short, 1/2 mile hike.
There were quite a few ducks and geese on the pond. A nearby flock of Canada Geese took off as soon as we approached, so here is a bonus Birds-in-Flight shot!
It is always suprising to find White Pelicans in the middle of the desert, but here is a group that was hanging out on the pond.
On the other end of the spectrum sizewise were a group of little "peeps". Unlike many folks I like shorebird watching and ID. This group was made up of Western Sandpipers.
As we were finishing the loop we came across this Coyote moving alongside the road.