Who thinks up these
It’s actually the Rock
Stacking World Championship.
Did you know that
there are internationally renowned rock artists?
Did you know that
Llano, Texas is the Home of the World Rock Stacking Championship?
The Llano Earth Art Fest
(LEAF) was this past weekend. From what I could find this was
the second year for the rock stacking championship.
While Mark was
participating in the first ever disc golf competition in Llano, I hoofed it over to the park
on the beautiful Llano river to check out all the festival had to offer.
Other than the rock
stacking part everything else was pretty typical of a local festival. There were booths (about 60% food, 30%
jewelry, and 10% other stuff), face painting, a climbing wall, live music, etc.
Carving sand castles.
And, of course, there
was rock stacking. It took me a while to
figure it out. There were little piles
of stacked rock everywhere.
Hum... it didn’t seem
all that hard, I didn’t get it.
Turns out anyone could grab a handful of the free rocks and make a little stack.
But then, after
walking around for a while, I saw a few stacks that were obviously “professionally”
stacked. These had signs next to them
that said they were entered in the contest and not to disturb them.
The Llano uplift
provides the beautiful granite rock but it was acceptable for the contestants
to bring their own rocks to enhance the appearance of a particular stack.
This is LEAF (Llano
Earth Art Fest, get it?). I had just
walked up and snapped this picture when he started unzipping his outfit. I guess the show was over. I never did find out what LEAF was all about.
There are always a few characters at these things:

This is a 3 day event
with even more things happening after dark (fire spinners, star gazing, etc.).
With all the rain we
have had this past week the Llano river was really rocking.