After unplanned extra days in Ruidoso, NM dealing with a dental emergency, we are on the road again and in Sierra Vista, Arizona. For North American birders, Southeastern Arizona a favorite place to find rare birds. Many birds of Mexico follow rivers and mountains up into the US only in this area.
On our first morning we drove over to the San Pedro River National Conservation Area. The San Pedro River is a tree-lined oasis in the middle of dry desert, and attracts many birds and animals.
At the Visitor Center we watched the hummingbird feeders for a few minutes. The Gila Woodpeckers were taking a real interest in the feeders, even though they are most definitely not hummingbirds!
Gila Woodpecker - Not a Hummingbird!! |
We took a trail down to the river, and followed the river for about a mile before returning. On the way down we spotted this Curve-billed Thrasher singing from the top of a blooming yucca.
Curve-billed Thrasher |
It seemed like Vermilion Flycatchers were everywhere. We never thought we'd get to the point that we'd say "Oh, just another Vermilion Flycatcher", but we did!
Vermilion Flycatcher |
The other red birds in the trees were Summer Tanagers.
Summer Tanager |
As we walked along we heard a loud rustling in the grass and spotted a large lizard running up a tree. We watched this Clark's Spiny Lizard for several minutes as he did "push-ups" and inflated his throat sack to impress a nearby female. We never saw her but he knew she was there!
Clark's Spiny Lizard |
This big fellow was about 6" long, which is pretty good sized for a lizard. It looked very blue from some angles, but not so much from others.
Clark's Spiny Lizard |
In several areas we heard birds singing like mockingbirds. But we soon discovered that we were hearing Yellow-breasted Chats.
Yellow-breasted Chat |
Our best bird of the day was found back at the Visitor Center. We'd have never seen it if the volunteer on duty hadn't told us where to look. How well camouflaged is this Western Screech-Owl?
Western Screech-Owl |
Next we'll head into the nearby canyons in search of hummingbirds. So stay tuned...