While we sat by Emma Matilda Lake and had a snack, we saw and heard a Trumpeter Swan and also saw and heard Common Loon.
Late yesterday evening we kept hearing what sounded like someone trying to start a generator (even though we are in a non-generator loop). It went on for probably 45 minutes. About 10:00 p.m. Mark decided to go outside and walk around a little bit. As soon as he stepped out the door he saw a Ruffed Grouse (a lifer!). We got great looks at it before it walked away. We got out the Sibley’s and this is what it says for the Ruffed Grouse voice: Male display is a series of accelerating, muffled thumps, produced by beating wings rapidly while standing, that sound like a distant motor starting.
Male Dusky Grouse displaying by inflating his purple air sac while giving a very low, pulsing hoot. The camera was not able to pick up the 'hoot'.

Dusky Grouse
Every where you go you can see the Tetons:

We rested and had a snack by Emma Matilda Lake. This is where we saw the Trumpeter Swan and Common Loons.
After supper we went to a ranger talk on beavers. The ranger was very informative and entertaining.
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