All the sheep have names. I believe these two are Pansy and Petunia, or maybe one of them is Rose? Who knows, they all look alike to me!

One of these things doesn’t belong here. Can you guess which one? *
There are lots of animals at the farm that have to be cared for on a daily basis including an orphaned buffalo and four Jersey cow calves, a 500 pound Spotted Poland China Hog (with 3 of her offspring that weigh about 350 each!), lots of sheep, chickens and two turkeys named Christmas and Thanksgiving.
* The calf in the middle is the buffalo. They have named the buffalo “Claudia” which happens to be Lady Bird’s real name.
Later that morning one of the maintenance men came by and said we were suppose to go with him as he made his rounds feeding the buffalo and longhorns. Apparently we are going to get to see all operations at the park!

50 pound feed bags! (I stayed in the truck and watched Mark work)

Then it was back to the farm for lunch (which is called dinner). Dinner is cooked every day on a wood burning stove in the kitchen and, as volunteers we can eat there on the days we work.

After lunch/dinner we followed the staff employees who were in costumes around and tried to learn as much as we could. There were a lot of visitors to the farm and they had a million questions! There is a lot of information to learn. Late in the afternoon we were sent out on our own to greet visitors. Mark got the barn area and I stayed in the front yard.
Mark enjoyed the farm and talking to all the visitors. I’m thinking farm life might not be for me. There is plenty to do here at the park and it looks like we will get to try a lot of different jobs.
We have the next four days off and are looking forward to seeing a lot of the area.
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