Well, we’re sure not in Texas!
The park manager has this very strange saying “Fatty Ground Score.” I thought he was just making up stuff!
So, I looked it up on Urban Dictionary. [Ground Score is something you find on the ground that makes you so happy that you yell out "SCORE!".]
Hummmm, sounds strange to me.
We’ve also hear Eh! a lot. We’re very close to the Canadian border and see a lot of New Brunswick license plates on cars in our area. “Eh” is equivalent to the American "huh?" or "right?"
Pimento cheese - nobody knows what I’m talking about! They’ve never heard of it (even at Walmart). When we asked about it at one grocery store they showed us what they call “pub cheese” which is like thick Cheese Whiz.
And, of course, no Mexican food anywhere! We are really missing our favorite Mexican food restaurant in Elgin (Morealia’s) and our favorite Mexican food restaurant in Fredericksburg (Mamacita’s) and our favorite Mexican food restaurant in ...
Well, you get the point. But we sure can get lobsters and lobster rolls everywhere we go. Even the McDonalds advertises lobster rolls (McLobster).
The black flies are about over with. The mosquitoes come and go and the moose flies are starting to come out.
It hasn’t rained for a couple of days and the high got all the way up to 72 today!
We saw this cutie while driving around a couple of days ago.

Thanks for stopping by.