Saturday, October 29, 2011

Brrrrr - Our first freeze

We woke up to 32 degrees and frost this morning. I've been waiting for cooler weather but, now that it's here, I'm not ready for it!!

Frosty windshield

Clearing the windshield

Frost in the fields

Our friends Van and Christine drove in from Dallas yesterday for a visit. This morning we gave them the grand tour of the Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm and the LBJ Park Store.

Van and Mark discussing tools at the blacksmith shop.

Comfy two-hole outhouse

We saw some beautiful hand-carved butter molds

We made a quick tour through the LBJ National Park then on to Johnson City where we had a wonderful lunch at Ronnie’s BBQ.

Ronnie's BBQ - where else can you get banana pudding as a side dish?


  1. I'd love to bring Chris to Texas for some real Texas barbeque! I know he'd love it.

    We had snow this weekend, if you can believe it. 2-4" and it stuck! I thought it would all melt off on Sunday, but there's still some on the ground. Holy harbinger of bad weather to come, Batman! I had to clear off my car windshield to get going today -- it wasn't thin enough to windshield-wiper away, bah!

  2. Our high's are getting into the low 70's. We're having some beautiful, sunny days.
