A couple of weeks ago we went to a volunteer get together with both Laguna and Santa Ana volunteers. We all met at Valley Nature Center for a potluck dinner. It was a lot of fun and we really enjoyed seeing several of the couples we had volunteered with at Santa Ana last year.
We were asked to get up and introduce ourselves, and to tell three things about ourselves - two truths and one lie - and everyone tried to figure out which was the lie.
For my three things I picked:
1. I spent the summer in Maine.
2. My favorite hobby is crocheting.
3. My favorite sport is football.
If you follow my blog you know where I spent my summer! After I show you my favorite hobby, you’ll be able to figure out my lie.
For some reason, I heard a lot of people say that they thought my “lie” was that I crochet.
So, here it is, hot off the hook, my latest crocheted afghan:

I started crocheting when I was very young. I taught myself from a book I bought at the Winns store (remember those?), where I also bought a kit for an afghan. Although I’ve crocheted other things, afghans are what I like to crochet the most.
A couple of years ago my mother-in-law told me about a charity she crochets for called “Linus Connection” and I’ve been crocheting afghans for them every since.
‘The Linus Connection is a Central Texas organization whose mission is to make and deliver handmade security blankets for children in crisis situations in our area. The blankets go to children in hospital emergency rooms, in crisis centers, in foster care, battered women's shelters, to any child who is in need of a little extra security in their lives.’
This works out well for me because I can crochet all the afghans I want and have someone to give them to! I’m not saying that we only volunteer in places where I can buy yarn, but, I’ve have been known to call Walmart stores in other states (such as Maine) just to make sure they sell yarn.
Whenever we get back to Central Texas I take all my completed afghans to my mother-in-law who then takes them with her to the next Linus meeting.
Here are a few more I've made:

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit about me!