We’ve been heading out to S. Padre on Saturdays. The Birding Center has a 10:00 a.m. program every Saturday morning. Since we each bought a 3 month pass, we can enter the boardwalks before the Birding Center opens. It’s really nice early in the morning! Mark is getting some wonderful pictures!

Marsh Wren

Mottled Duck

Common Yellowthroat

Marbled Godwit

Little Blue Heron

Forster's Tern

Belted Kingfisher

American Wigeon

Long-billed Curlew
Did you guess who made the bird tracks?

This little guy made the bird tracks!
Ruddy Turnstone
I think belted kingfishers are one of the hardest birds to get a picture of. :)
ReplyDeleteThey certainly don't want to stay still for long!
I do like tracks in the sand!!
I do too Carolyn!