Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now You See It, and Now You Don't...

The American Bittern is one of my favorite birds.  I can't really say why, but the fact that they are challenging to find and interesting to observe may be part of it.

During a recent visit to the South Padre Island Birding Center we had the pleasure of seeing an American Bittern fly across a pond and land in some tall grass.  It was easy to see while flying, and I had the camera up and ready to go.

American Bittern
American Bittern
Once they land in the grass it can be a real challenge to track them down. We found this one hunkered down in a small waterway.  Great camouflage on these birds!
American Bittern
Now we need to find that Least Bittern that has been reported...



  1. Happens to be one of my favorites as well... I love the way they stand with their neck stretched high... still as could be.... so hidden. Been a while since I've seen one.

  2. American Bittern is hard to find and the least is even harder!!! We got one last year there and was so happy to show others.

  3. Love the "bird in flight" pictures! You're getting really good at that.
