We went on a "Water Tour" of the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday. The refuge is trying to return water flows to their historic pathways, and is evaluating what existing dikes and structures may need to be modified.
We started at the main diversion on the Rio Grande River, and then looked at several canals and laterals used to move water through the refuge. This is another bad drought year so the Rio Grande is running low and they won't have enough water to flood everything they would like. But it was interesting to see the plans and how water is handled here.
We did get to see many of the wetland areas that ducks use for breeding, and we saw some nice birds as well.
Eagle-eyed Teri spotted this one hiding in the grass:
American Bittern |
The Ruddy Duck males are showing off their spectacular blue bills, while the females retain their camouflage.
Ruddy Duck - male |
Ruddy Duck - female |
Cinnamon Teal are among the most common ducks on the refuge.
Cinnamon Teal - male |
We also saw plenty of Gadwall, Mallard and a few Redheads.
Gadwall - male |
Mallard - male |
Redhead - male & female |
Nice to see the waterfowl decked out in their spring finery!
ReplyDeleteWhen is your commitment at your refuge over? There will be an open pad here beginning in the middle of August I believe.