Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Headlights and Caves

One of the bird watching memory aids that I learned long ago was "Cave Swallows need headlights but don't have them, and Cliff Swallows have headlights but don't need them".  It is a way to remember which of these similar looking swallows sports the bright white spot on its forehead.

I was reminded of this today as Teri and I worked at the Refuge Manager's residence.  She has a healthy population of Cliff Swallows nesting under the eaves of her home, and we were "talked at" all morning.

I got a few pictures of these guys, and check out their headlights!!

Cliff Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Cliff Swallow in Nests


  1. Just about my favorite as nest construction goes. :)

  2. Thank you for that helpful tip about the headlight. I will try to remember. Virginia
