Sunday, August 4, 2013

Still the Champion...

We have had a hummingbird feeder up since we arrived here in Colorado and have enjoyed regular visits from Broad-tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds. However, a Rufous HB male recently decided that the feeder belonged only to him.

He spends his days perched in a nearby Cottonwood tree and keeping an eye on his feeder.
Rufous Hummingbird male
Sometimes he sticks his tongue out at me.

He regularly flies down to get a drink from his personal feeder.
Rufous Hummingbird on "his" feeder
But lately, another hummingbird has decided to visit the feeder.  The newcomer may be a Calliope Hummingbird as we had them here last year and this one is tiny.  But I never get to see it for long. 

Intruder, perhaps a Calliope Hummingbird
Just as soon as the newcomer lands, the boss come bombing down out of his tree and the fun begins. 

Leading to this...

I've put up another feeder on the opposite side of the tree, so hopefully there will be enough room for more than one hummingbird.

But for now, this guy is still the champion:



  1. Those hummingbird fights are really something to watch, aren't they?

  2. I have 4 feeders out... all in different areas... each one of them has its own little bully guarding it. Love the sun shining on that rufous!
