We are spending our second summer at Farragut State Park. At 20,000 acres with over 200 campsites, it is a big, busy operation. Just 15 miles away is Round Lake State Park, which couldn't be more different.
Round Lake is a 58 acre lake formed by the last remnants of a glacier melting in that location. With 142 acres of land surrounding the lake, this state park totals a whopping 200 acres. We have visited the park twice and have enjoyed the quiet and the wildlife. The lake is shallow with a muddy bottom, and supports lots of submerged and shoreline plants. Along with the plants come frogs, turtles, dragonflies, and birds.
Round Lake |
A shoreline plant with huge leaves got our attention on our first visit. It is called "Skunk Cabbage" and is named for the pungent odor that attracts gnats and flies which pollinate the flowers. Unfortunately (?) it wasn't blooming during our visits so we didn't get to experience the aroma.
Skunk Cabbage |
There are several trails along the lake, and on the Swamp Loop we saw this strangely pigmented American Robin.
Leucistic American Robin |
On our second visit we hiked around the lake and along the outlet creek on a 3.5 mile trail. Much of this trail is out of the park and on other public lands, but it is all very natural and shaded.
Bridge over Cocolalla Creek |
There are several beaver dams forming ponds along the outlet creek.
Beaver Pond |
We enjoyed good looks at many butterflies and dragonflies, including this handsome Twelve-Spotted Skimmer.
Twelve-Spotted Skimmer |
Our favorite bird on this visit was a Three-toed Woodpecker that poked at a fallen log for a bit before flying off. We've not seen this woodpecker species back at our park, so were surprised to find it nearby.
American Three-toed Woodpecker |
We are pleased to have found another beautiful area to explore here in Northern Idaho.
I do believe that if you really want to smell the aroma of skunk cabbage, all you have to do is fold a leaf in half and break the spine. You'll get the idea... ;)