Monday, November 11, 2019

Our Most Important Job

One of our jobs here at the park, and certainly the most fun, is keeping the bird blinds clean and stocked with bird food.

We have our own transportation that we keep at our RV site.

There are four, very nice, bird blinds.  All have wonderful water features and lots of inside seating.

Each blind is a little different
but they are nice and comfortable.

The first thing we do on our work day is check each bird blind.  We put out bird feed, and clean out any leaves or other debris from the water.

Putting out seed.

Thistle seed is very popular

Our peanut butter mix is a big hit.

Cleaning out the leaves.

We also clean the windows and sweep out the blind.  These bird blinds are very nice and well kept.

Mark makes sure the windows
are streak free.

Sweeping doesn’t take long.

We are also encouraged to “sit a while” and watch the birds.  Any visitors in the blind are always appreciative of any help we can give them identifying the birds.

Two of the water features are on solar panels.  At one blind we have to fill a 250-gallon water tank to have water to fill the trough when it starts getting low.  We fill up the water truck at park headquarters and haul the water to the bind.

Over 250 different species of birds have been documented at this park.  We hope we are keeping our birds happy and healthy.


  1. The birds in your area are very lucky you two are there.

  2. They come into the feeders while we're still putting food out! It's gotten very cold here 28 this morning. We'll put out food a couple of times today to help them out a little.
