Old bookcases

New bookcases
There were also two banker boxes full of videos, that no one will ever watch. But, I got them organized too!

Sorting video tapes
I really enjoyed my day. I was able to interact with some of the staff here, which I haven’t been able to do before. The job took all day but the books are now in order.

Newly organized bookcases
A couple of hydrologist from New Mexico came to the refuge to set up water monitoring stations. Mark’s job was to set the legs for four wooden platforms to elevate the water gauging stations. I think he enjoyed his day out.

A few days later we put posts around the concrete benchmarks to make them visible to anyone mowing in the area.

Painting with reflective paint for visibility.

Mark pounding posts.
Looks like a lot of work, Teri. And Mark, aren't they happy to have someone with your expertise?