Monday, July 23, 2012

New Toy

For as long as I’ve known Mark he has commented that he would like a radio-controlled airplane.  I don’t know why he never bought one before now!
He bought a ‘starter plane’ that was not too expensive and can take a crash (or two, or three, or ...).
We’ve got several hundred acres behind our RV that are perfect for flying over.  For some reason the birds seem to be very interested in the plane!


  1. I've always wanted one of those planes too. Maybe it's the thought of transporting my mind to fly with the birds? :)

  2. Back when I first got interested these planes were all powered by gasoline type engines, and were quite expensive. Now there are loads of reliable, electric powered planes for around $100.

    They are simpler to fly, nearly silent, and easy to repair (good thing!!).

    And like Teri said, they seem to attract the attention of the hawks and nighthawks in our area. They fly over the inspect and sometimes will "soar" with the plane. Good fun!!


  3. What Fun! So far we've never gotten into this "sport". When we were volunteering in Alaska, there were speed bumps in our campground... we used to watch folks make their radio controlled "vehicles" do wheelies and other maneuvers over them... Sounds like you'll have a great time with your new toy.
