We've had a good first week at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. It is a beautiful place and the staff is great.
Teri and I decided to head out for a walk this morning. We're supposed to have heavy rain in the next couple of days so we thought we'd get out while we could. We saw a variety of things and I thought I'd share a few pictures.
There is a huge vulture roost here in the park. These Black Vultures decided to stand around a bit this morning.
Black Vultures |
This Eastern Collared Lizard was trying to catch a few rays on a granite boulder.
Eastern Collared Lizard |
Fall is not the best season for wildflowers in the Texas Hill Country, but there are plenty of these Erect Dayflowers blooming.
Erect Dayflower |
This Rufous-crowned Sparrow jumped up for a picture.
Rufous-crowned Sparrow |
With some recent rains, we've seen a few mushrooms and other fungi in the park. This bright yellow fungus was growing on a downed log.