Wednesday, August 26, 2020

2005 - Way Back Wednesday (Part 1 of 3)

2005 was a fun year for us.

In February we visited San Diego, California.  Mark was awarded The Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors Outstanding Service Award for 2005, and we were flown out for the presentation.  

We rented a car and took advantage of our week there. 

We went on a few hikes:

We spent a lot of time at the beach:

Sand writing

We are always looking at birds!


Marbled Godwit

We spent a morning at the San Diego Zoo:

San Diego is probably an area we wouldn’t normally visit but we did enjoy our time there.

At the end of February, we went on a wonderful trip to Belize:

(See Blog Post from April 1, 2013)

Sand writing.

In early April we went on a long weekend birding trip to High Island (Texas) with friends Rick and Sharon.

This is a very well-known area for migration.  There are many birds migrating from South America to their northern breeding grounds.  This is the best time to be in this area.


Boy Scout Woods is also a great place to be during spring migration.


It was a short trip but we saw a lot of birds.


At the end of April, Mark went down to Mexico for a week with some friends of his.  It was a birding and butterfly trip.


Gray Silky-Flycatcher

Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow

Cinnamon Hummingbird

Colima Pygmy-Owl

Tomorrow: More of 2005


  1. Beautiful bird pictures as always! I remember when we were at the San Diego Zoo they said the plants were worth more than the animals. That amazed me enough to never forget. It definitely tells me I need to value plants more than I do!

  2. When we had a house and a very large greenhouse, I spent many paychecks at the local garden center.
