Today was our first day to work all day. There are several butterfly gardens that we have been asked to weed and water. The volunteers that were assigned to the butterfly gardens before us did a wonderful job so the gardens are in good shape. By mid-morning the butterflies started flying around. We saw beautiful Zebras, Pipevine Swallowtail, Queens, Little Blues, Sulphurs, Longtails. This is going to be a great opportunity to learn a lot of the different butterflies.

Pearl Crescent

Dusky-blue Groundstreak
We got to check out a mule (utility vehicle, sort of like a golf cart). We had a blast driving all over the place! We have been told we can use one on our days off if we want to go around the refuge.
We have been really impressed with how we are being treated by the staff. They have put a lot of time and effort into training the volunteers. We are treated very well!
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