Normally we will be working on Thursdays but since we had orientation on Monday, our day off, they let us have today off. So, we went birding. Where? Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge! Even though we are volunteering here we still want to take advantage of all the refuge has to offer. On Thursdays there is a bird walk at 8:30 a.m. We got to the visitor center at 8:00 and filled peanut butter logs while we were waiting for the walk to start.
Every morning the refuge offers a free walk with a volunteer. On Monday it is a photography walk, Tuesday is a bird walk that will be led by Mark, Wednesday is a nature walk, Thursday through Saturday is a bird walk, and Sunday is a nature walk. There is also a tram ($4) ride that runs 3 times a day.
After our walk Mark and I checked out a Mule and picked up the cuttings and weeds we had piled up yesterday. It only took a few minutes but yesterday we didn't have time to do it.
We then walked the Chachalaca trail again and walked to the hawk tower. It was a very nice, cool, day.
New birds for today: Gray Hawk, Clay-colored Thrush, Am. Goldfinch, Green Kingfisher, Ringed Kingfisher, Wilson’s Snipe, House Wren.
White Ibis (immature)
Long-billed Thrasher
Great Kiskadee
Rosebelly Lizard

Zebra Heliconian
Teleus Longtail

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