Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hugh Ramsey Nature Park - World Birding Center

Mark got a new extension for his new camera lens and wanted to try it out so we drove out to the Hugh Ramsey Park in Harlingen. It’s another World Birding Center. It’s part botanical garden, part nature park.

The Ebony Trail is the portion of the park that has been developed into a botanical garden, going past different gardens, such as medicinal plants, and gardens dedicated to individuals. The trail splits into an upper portion and a lower portion. The upper portion is dryer; the lower portion is right on the banks of the arroyo.

There is a nice bird feeding area that we sat at for quite a while. There was a wonderful water feature but, unfortunately, all the water was shut off to the park and the small pond was almost empty.

We saw a few new birds and some old favorites.

Pine Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler

Lincoln's Sparrow

Hermit Thrush

Curve-billed Thrasher

On the way home we popped into Estero Llano Grande for a quick walk around the trails. With Mark's new camera lens, we feel we need to go to all the birding places again and get new pictures!

Ring-necked Duck

Wilson's Snipe


Blue-winged Teal

American Coots - Sparring

American Coots - displaying

Guess where we found this guy?

Alligator Pond, of course!

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