This alligator lives in a concrete trough by the walking trail!

"Gator" food.
This Leopard Frog also lives in the concrete trough by the walking trail.
Our guide informed us that there aren't as many Leopard Frogs in the trough as there use to be. Hummmm...

We saw several Cottontail Rabbits on our walk.

There were lots of these beautiful Spanish Dagger's starting to bloom.

This Indigo Snake was so close Mark couldn't get a picture of all of him. He was wider than the trail (which is 5 feet wide) and his head was across one side before his tail had started over the opposite side!
Missed photo op:
While walking the trail around the visitor center we heard a lot of noise in the brush. It turned out to be a Coopers Hawk that had taken a Chachalaca! The Hawk was trying to walk on one foot while grasping the dead Chachalaca with the other claw! It was an amazing site. We didn't want to disturb or scare the hawk any more than necessary so we quietly walked away to leave him to his catch.
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