Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cruising the Island

Since there is pretty much no shopping to be had around these parts, we joined Amazon Prime and a whole new shopping experience has opened up to us!

Mark ordered this handy-dandy bike holder for his GPS.  It was conveniently delivered to our door yesterday so he slapped that puppy on his bike and we went for a ride.
The main road (Big Pine Key Blvd.) has a pretty nice bike lane so we headed down the road.  As we rode around we passed dozens of other bikers and walkers using these same paths. 
Along the way we found a couple of geocaches.
We ended up cruising a little over 13 miles and had a very pleasant morning.

Big Pine Key may be the easiest place to commute by bike that we've ever been. We've even taken our bikes to the grocery store as it is quicker than firing up and parking the truck, But that only works if you need a couple of things!



  1. You look like athletes! What a healthy way to live!
