Thursday, July 16, 2020

You Want Deer, We've Got Deer!!

The Texas Hill Country is well known for having a large population of White-tailed Deer. In fact, the population is so high that there are far too many for the available food, and they tend to be stunted.

Our area in Medina is no exception, and we are absolutely crawling with deer as summer progresses. Some of the residents here treat them as pets, hand-feeding them corn.  That is really not a great idea as wild mammals should not become that habituated to people.  On our morning walks the deer will often come directly toward us hoping for a handout.

It is cute when the approaching deer are little fawns, but the adult does and bucks are even more likely to approach.  Once this guys grows his antlers out and goes into the rut in the fall we aren't going to want to "play" with him.  Luckily a quick hand clap sends them the other direction.

But we do take pity on their need for water, and our ground-level birdbath remains very popular. I fill it before we go to bed, and by the next morning it is bone-dry.  We've added an additional bucket of water in a different area to supplement the bird bath.

This morning we saw this cute little group at the newly-refilled birdbath. A cropped version will be our new header picture for a while.

We hope that you also have some fun wildlife to entertain you, wherever you find yourself this summer. 



  1. So that's where all this year's fawn are!! We were just discussing yesterday that we don't have near as many fawns this year as we usually do. I have only seen 2 little ones on the 25 acres our house sits on and usually we have 8, 10 or more. We've decided the reason is that some very high fences have been put up near us and the deer just can't get on the property like before. Really miss the little ones!

    1. Come get some!! We are lousy with bucks, does and fawns!!

  2. No thank you! We've got plenty of wildlife for now...just found out we have a armadillo living under the house. At least it should keep the scorpion and fire ant population at a minimum. We get scorpions in the house on a regular basis, Larry even got stung by one last year. It was under the computer stand and nailed him on his toe when he sat down in the chair. We have an exterminator spray outside once a year but the scorpions seem to be immune. Just another one of the joys of living in South Texas in the summer!!
