Sunday, October 25, 2020

New House Update - 3rd Week

Well, the painters are gone.  Notice I didn’t say they were finished but they are gone.  They came close to finishing but even with an extremely detailed list of areas that weren’t painted or didn’t have two coats of paint, they still couldn’t manage to finish the job and were asked to leave.

We have had a lot of projects going during these three weeks.

We started, and finished, painting the inside of the garage.

It looks great:

We hung up a birdfeeder and it is already very popular.

I've gotten my magnet collection moved:

We had a load of mulch delivered and spread it.  It looked so good we had another load delivered.

We're getting some projects finished inside the house too:

New blinds for a few of the windows. After seeing how good the new blinds look, we've decided to replace all the blinds in the house.

Next time: You know how I love factory tours?  Well, I had a factory tour experience in my own front yard!


  1. Love how installing a bird feeder made it early on - not surprised! You two are such good workers, I have no doubt you'll get it all knocked out.

  2. Looking better all the time. Too bad your painters were a disappointment though.

  3. I'm glad that project is finally over.
