Monday, September 29, 2014

Bosque del Apache Critters

Our last blog mentioned that we were near Bosque del Apache NWR, and we took the opportunity to check out some of the critters on the refuge. The first thing that we noted was how green and lush the refuge was. We were told by several folks that New Mexico was enjoying an unusually wet summer.

The first thing we saw was this pair of Raccoons fishing around in the shallow muddy water of a pond. We never saw them catch anything, but they certainly kept at it.
Raccoons looking for a snack.
There was a small flock of White Pelicans on the same pond, with a Great Blue Heron patrolling the mudflat.
White Pelicans
We also saw a few American Avocets sweeping the water with their unique upturned bills. They are already out of their colorful breeding plumage and into their more subtle winter feathers. 
American Avocets
Back at the campground we were treated to this Gambel's Quail sentry calling over and over again from the top of a fencepost. 
Gambel's Quail
About a dozen more were on the ground, but they were doing a good job of hiding. I managed to snap this one male before he disappeared into the bushes. 

Onward to the Ruidoso area!!



  1. The Bosque was our first NWR to volunteer at.... lots of memories of those times. We're still friends with some of the folks we met way back then. Last time we were in the area birding was better up at Bernardo....
